Legal notice
Gottlieb-Wolfer-Str. 13
73249 Wernau
Contact Options
E-Mail Address:
Phone: +49 7153 5595-50
Fax: +49 7153 5595-60
Representative/s: Michael Rohr, Managing director
Company Details
VAT identification number: DE270641034
Register, Type of Register and Register Number
Commercial Register
The register is administered by: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Register number: HRB 733407
Liability and Intellectual Property Rights Information
Liability Disclaimer: While the content ofthis website has been put together with great care and reflects our currentknowledge, it is provided for information purposes without being legallybinding, unless the disclosure of this information is required by law (e.g. thelegal information), the privacy policy, terms and conditions or mandatoryinstructions for consumers) . We reserve the right to modify or delete thecontent, whether in full or in part, provided this does not affect our existingcontractual obligations. All website content is subject to change andnon-binding.
Link Disclaimer: We do not accept anyresponsibility for or endorse the content of external websites we link to,whether directly or indirectly. The providers of the linked websites are solelyresponsible for all content presented on their websites and in particular, anydamage resulting from the use the information offered on their websites.
Copyrights and Trademarks: All contentspresented on this website, such as texts, photographs, graphics, brands andtrademarks are protected by the respective intellectual property rights(copyrights, trademark rights). The use, reproduction, etc. are subject to ourrights or the rights of the respective authors or rights owners.
Concept, text, design & technical implementation
Tandem, Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH